McTimoney College of Chiropractic

Full information about Establishment and health McTimoney College of Chiropractic at Kimber House, 1 Kimber Road, Abingdon, England OX14 1BZ. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Kimber House, 1 Kimber Road, Abingdon, England OX14 1BZ
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Phone number:
+44 1235 523336


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McTimoney College of Chiropractic

Reviews about McTimoney College of Chiropractic

  • storytellermjm
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    I'm writing this as a long-time recipient of the McTimoney approach from professionals and students at this clinic. This is the main training centre for McTimoney Chiropractic in UK. Treatments are given under supervision, by 'interns' who are students in their last year of study prior to them graduating and starting their own businesses. Treatments are 'half price' (currently £27.50). This acknowledges that you agree to help the students in their training. Treatment works on the basis that your own body is able to heal itself if the nervous system is allowed to function without the restrictions we experience as pain or discomfort. So light, quick adjustments are made to joints and vertebrae throughout the body. You are advised not to take strenuous exercise for the next 24-48 hours to allow the adjustments to settle in the body.
    The first obligatory session is two hours (and costs a little more). It is a full assessment session and may not include a treatment. After that, treatments take 30 - 45 minutes. You may be asked to agree to a student sitting in to observe the treatment. Often this student records the treatment as it is given. Each treatment starts with a review of the effect of the previous treatment and clarifying what the continuing issues are. Then while you prepare for the treatment (removing clothes down to underwear or robe to provide access to joints and vertebrae for adjustments), the intern goes to receive supervision from a member of the teaching staff. The sessions are watched by that supervisor via cctv. Then the treatment is given while you lie and sit on the adjustable massage bed. Each treatment works through the whole body, not just the area of discomfort.
    After the treatment, you agree a treatment plan and the intern takes you back to reception to book the next session. This can be weekly while the main problem persists, then maybe two weekly to monthly etc. It is advisable to return for three monthly maintenance treatments. This maintains the effectiveness of the treatments and the validity of the original assessment session, which needs to undertaken again if more than 6 months have elapsed between treatments.
    The interns and reception staff are friendly, open and helpful. A good place to go to support yourself and future therapists.
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